Women & Grandmothers: A Benefit – June 8th
UPDATE 6/1 — CANCELLED. Please share this announcement with any lists that have promoted the expected program “Water & Grandmothers” to be held at Kalamazoo Friend Meeting. Due to low confirmations, this event has been cancelled.
KFM’s Discussion Hour on Sunday 6/9, from 9:30am to 10:20am followed by worship at 10:30am, will be on the same topic and introduce the Women and Water Coming Together Symposium,
For anyone who wishes to support the WWCTS as an indigenous-grandmother led campaign, please visit their web site for its current online auction. Also, there is the option to attend this year from August 4th to 8th or sponsor another person to participate.
For Kalamazoo neighbors, you are most welcome to join the conversation on 6/9. We also may do something smaller scale at that time for fundraising.
UPDATE (5/25): RSVP is encouraged to ensure that the event still takes place. A minimum number of confirmations are needed by 6/1 for the event to go forward as planned. Email meymdhATgmailDOTcom or text/ call (313) 389-6866. Participants are able to attend part of the program; please indicate this request in your RSVP.

Hosted by Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (Quakers), this program focuses on the importance of water and efforts of indigenous grandmothers to awaken all of us to the need to honor and protect water. Details are given throughout this post.
CO-PRESENTERS are special guest Panoka Walker from Monroe, Michigan (pictured above) with Mey Hasbrook of KFM (pictured below):
Panoka Walker is of mixed French and Anishinabe descent from the Deer Clan, her traditional name is Waabiskaa Waa waash keshi, White Doe. Panoka strongly identify with her Indian roots as a traditional storyteller, song carrier, hand drum maker, and traditional crafts women. Encouraged by her elders after years of apprenticeship inside the sacred circle of life, Panoka is a facilitator of women’s ceremonies. She also teaches workshops and group presentations to adults and youths. Panoka member United Plant Savers, The Gathering Society and is affiliated with the Mother Earth Water Walkers who bring awareness to the Water, the Lifeblood of the Earth. Panoka is the proud mother of two beautiful daughters being brought up in the traditional way. She along with her husband Denny, Deer Walker, and daughters make their home in Monroe, Michigan.
Mey Hasbrook travels in the ministry under the care of Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (see traveling minute). Mey carries a message about Right Relationship: how care of Earth and humanity are interconnected. She also is an artist; her new mobile installation In Relation is growing through this message with events among Friends and the public. Mey serves as a volunteer representative of Friends World Committee for Consultation for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and also on LEYM’s Earth Care Committee. She identifies as mixed-blood descent with Celtic Irish and Cherokee ancestors.

ENTRY will be free with DONATIONS invited and a SILENT AUCTION held to benefit the indigenous, grandmother-led Women and Water Coming Together Symposium (
The PROGRAM is interactive and builds one part upon the next: a brief water ceremony, an introduction to the indigenous and grandmother-led WWCT Symposium (spoken and video), creative activities (weaving and mobiles), and experiences from symposium participants including a Quaker perspective. Here’s a schedule overview:
- 12:30pm Welcome & Silent Auction Round 1
- 1pm Program, part 1
- 2pm Break & Silent Action Round 2
- 2:20pm Program, part 2
- 3:10pm Break & Silent Action, Final Round
- 3:30pm Program, closing circle
- 3:45pm Auction results
- 4pm Departure
The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts with its campaign “The Art of Peace and Justice” is a co-sponsor. This event is the last in KFM’s series “Justice, Environment, and the Arts”.