Snowy greetings from Southwest Michigan! Here in this second month of 2020, I’m giving thanks for a recent time with Quakers of Michigan and upcoming travel among New England Yearly Meeting of Friends.

On February 1, I was among about 70 participants at the Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting (Lake Erie YM) held in mid-Michigan at Red Cedar Monthly Meeting. The program focused on our care of the environment. Among four sessions, “Faith in Action: Quakers on Earthcare” was the one I led.
We viewed the video Quakers Coming Together to Care for the Earth with North American contributors belonging across affiliations or branches. Worship sharing followed with rich and varied experiences, ranging from someone curious about those of us with leadings for Earthcare to longtime activists.

For our closing, Friends discovered novel arrangements for mobiles toward the traveling installation In Relation, as we are striving for a new way forward amid the climate emergency. Thanks to Friends for the warm welcome, as this was my first time among GPQM. I look forward to returning in the future!