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Devotional for March 15, 2021 – FWCC Section of the Americas Meeting
The Presence of God — or Worship
There was a meeting; and a mighty brokenness with the power of God there was amongst the people. ~George Fox
Deep calls unto deep; the deep in God calls to the deep in man, and they know each other. ~Rufus Jones
These Friends remind us that to enter worship is to enter the Presence of God, and how worship opens us to becoming “tender & broken”, much like seeds sown in the Earth.
Seeds break open from the Depths, as they reach toward the Light.
We gently hold this moment across many places, and Here we connect as Quaker family, even as we endure the pandemic and global hardships.
We “sink down to the Seed”, as written by an Early Friend, one of the first Quakers, Isaac Pennington.
With the Seed — or Jesus Christ,
who is the Living Path of Love —
we “give over” ourselves entirely.
From the Depths of this sinking,
–even from the womb of the Earth
and the tomb of Christ’s burial cave–
from Here we embrace the Light,
Who guides our growth
towards the Sky & Stars.
We are nourished by Living Waters,
and Air fills us with the Breath of Life.
Here, in this surrender to Love
–that is, resting in Love —
we surrender to the Presence of God.
We are held,
& we are called to gift this gentle embrace:
to one another, here/ aqui;
among neighbors, here/ aca;
even to enemies, there/ alla;
and throughout All of Creation.
Let us become the Living Path of Love.
Let us bask in the Presence of God
Give over thine own willing,
give over thy own running,
give over thine own desiring
to know or be anything
and sink down to the seed
which God sows in the heart,
and let that grow in thee
and be in thee and breathe in thee and act in thee;
and thou shalt find by sweet experience
that the Lord knows that and loves that and owns that,
and will lead it to the inheritance of Life,
which is its portion.
~Isaac Pennington
“Entrega,” Isaac Pennington.